Kural 661
What is called resoluteness of action is, in truth,
resoluteness of mind. It is a quality unlike any other.
Kural 662
Avoiding all failure-prone action and remaining undiscouraged by
failures are said to be the dual directives of wise men.
Kural 663
Revealing an action after its completion is resoluteness.
Disclosing an action midway causes endless misery.
Kural 664
It is easy for anyone to speak of a plan,
but difficult indeed to execute what has been spoken.
Kural 665
Strong-willed exploits of virtuous men
win the crown’s respect and the crowd’s acclaim.
Kural 666
Those who think will have their thoughts fulfilled,
just as they thought, provided they possess strength of will.
Kural 667
Do not disparage men who appear small, for there are those,
seemingly insignificant, who are like the linchpin of a mighty chariot.
Kural 668
Visualize actions with unclouded clarity,
then forcefully undertake them without delay or indecision.
Kural 669
Despite dire hardships, hold to strength of mind
and do those deeds which yield joy of heart.
Kural 670
The world has no use for those who have no use for resolute
action, whatever other strengths they may possess.