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Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan in Finnish
Kymmenen ensisijaista sufi-ajatusta: 1. On Yksi Jumala, Ikuinen, Ainoa Oleva; ei ole olemassa ketään muuta kuin Jumala. 2. On Yksi Mestari, kaikkien sielujen Ohjaava Henki, joka jatkuvasti ohjaa seuraajiaan …
The Sufi Tarot by Ayeda Husain
Heal Your Life with Ancient Sufi Wisdom Allow The Ancient Symbology And Secret Messages Embedded In This Unique Tarot Deck To Transform You. Inspired by traditional tarot and reconceptualized …
The Chivalric Futuwwa Rules
How do we practice chivalry toward the natural world in which we are interwoven? In the same way that a herald seeks a moral relationship with fellow humans by …
Organisaatiomme on otettu Aleksei Vladimirovitš Avdeev. Syntymävuosi 1976. Syntynyt ja asuu Pietarissa. Inkeriläisten jälkeläinen. Ekonomisti, harrastajatoimittaja. Pasifisti. Aleksei on henkilökuntaamme kuuluva toimittaja.
A brief vision of the Slavic gods from the Magician Volhv Svetloyar in the processing of Ladomir. The main God cannot be distinguished. Commandment of the Book of Veles: …
Daily lesson with gurudeva
Lesson 11 from Merging with Siva No Good, No Bad Each experience that we have is a good experience because it molds us. It shapes us, just like an artist …
Hazrat Inayat Khan. Prayers.
I am coming from a perfect source and I am bound for a perfect goal. The light of the perfect being is kindled in my soul. I live and …
Hazrat Inayat Khan. Prayers.
What I may not see, let me not see; What I may not hear, let me not hear; What I may not know, I ask not to know. Beloved, …
Hazrat Inayat Khan. Prayers.
Help me to serve Thy cause. Oh Spirit of Guidance, Throw Thy divine on my path. Open my heart, that Thy spirit I may reflect. My life is …
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Let us begin in the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Restorer of all things in their pristine glory, the bestower of the all-sufficient power of healing. …