Kural 521
Should a man’s wealth disappear, only his kinsmen
will maintain their customary kindness.
Kural 522
If a man’s kindred cling to him with unfailing love,
his fortunes will never fail to flourish.
Kural 523
Pursuing a happy life without mixing with one’s clan
is like flooding a pond that has flimsy banks.
Kural 524
The real profit gained by gaining riches
is that one may then live surrounded by relatives.
Kural 525
Scores of kin will crowd around the kindly man
who gives generously and speaks sweetly.
Kural 526
In this wide world none enjoys a more faithful family
than he who hands out large gifts and holds back all anger.
Kural 527
The crow does not conceal his food, but calls his kind to share it;
prosperity will remain with men of such a nature.
Kural 528
The multitudes thrive when they observe their monarch
observing each one’s merits, not seeing mere sameness in all.
Kural 529
Close kinsmen who have become estranged
will come back when the cause of disagreement goes away.
Kural 530
When one who left him returns with justifying reason,
the ruler may, after careful reflection, accept him back.