Kural 51
She is the helpful wife who possesses the fullness of
domestic virtues and spends within her husband’s means.
Kural 52
Family life, however full, remains empty
if the wife lacks the lofty culture of the home.
Kural 53
What does a man lack if his wife is worthy?
And what does he possess if she is lacking worth?
Kural 54
What is more majestic than a woman
who preserves the prodigious strength of chastity?
Kural 55
Even the rains will fall at her command
who upon rising worships not God, but her husband.
Kural 56
A married woman is one who vigilantly guards herself,
cares for her husband and protects their unblemished reputation.
Kural 57
Why do guardians protect women by confinement
when her own resolute chastity is a woman’s best protection?
Kural 58
A woman deeply devoted to the man who wed her
will be worthy of great rewards in the world where Gods delight.
Kural 59
Unless the wife pursues praiseworthy purity,
the husband cannot stride before critics like a proud lion.
Kural 60
It is said a worthy wife is the blessing of a home,
and good children are its precious ornaments.