Kural 131
Virtuous conduct leads a man to eminent greatness.
Therefore, it should be guarded as more precious than life itself.
Kural 132
In your striving, be mindful to preserve good conduct.
In your deliberations, discover it is your staunchest ally.
Kural 133
Morality is the birthright of high families,
while immoral conduct’s legacy is lowly birth.
Kural 134
If a priest forgets the Vedas, he can relearn them.
But if he falls from virtue, his high birth is forever lost.
Kural 135
Prosperity is not for the envious,
nor is greatness for men of impure conduct.
Kural 136
The firm-minded never slacken in upholding virtuous conduct,
for they know the miseries brought on by such neglect.
Kural 137
By honest conduct one achieves honorable eminence,
while corrupt conduct brings one nothing but blame.
Kural 138
Good conduct is the seed in virtue’s field;
wicked conduct’s harvest is never-ending sorrow.
Kural 139
Men who conduct themselves virtuously
are incapable of voicing harmful words, even forgetfully.
Kural 140
Those who cannot live in harmony with the world,
though they have learned many things, are still ignorant.