Daily lesson with gurudeva
SLOKA 18 FROM DANCING WITH SIVA WHAT IS GOD SIVA’S PURE CONSCIOUSNESS? Parashakti is pure consciousness, the substratum or primal substance flowing through all form. It is Siva’s inscrutable …
Kural 161 The unenvious heart is to be valued no less than virtuous conduct itself. Kural 162 Among the many precious things a man may acquire, none surpasses a …
Kural 151 Just as the Earth bears those who dig into her, it is best to bear with those who despise us. Kural 152 It is always good to …
Daily lesson with gurudeva
SLOKA 17 FROM DANCING WITH SIVA WHAT IS GOD SIVA’S UNMANIFEST REALITY? Parasiva is God Siva’s Unmanifest Reality or Absolute Being, distinguished from His other two perfections, which are …
Daily lesson with gurudeva
SLOKA 16 FROM DANCING WITH SIVA WHAT IS THE NATURE OF OUR GOD SIVA? God Siva is all and in all, one without a second, the Supreme Being and …
Kural 141 Those who know virtue’s laws and marital rights never indulge in the folly of desiring another man’s wife. Kural 142 Among those who stand outside virtue, there …
Kural 131 Virtuous conduct leads a man to eminent greatness. Therefore, it should be guarded as more precious than life itself. Kural 132 In your striving, be mindful to …
Daily lesson with gurudeva
SLOKA 15 FROM DANCING WITH SIVA WHAT IS THE SYMBOLISM OF SIVA’S DANCE? The symbolism of Siva Nataraja is religion, art and science merged as one. In God’s endless …
Daily lesson with gurudeva
SLOKA 14 FROM DANCING WITH SIVA WHAT IS THE NATURE OF LIFE FOR SAIVITES? To the Saivite Hindu, all of life is sacred. All of life is religion. Thus, …
Kural 121 Self-control will place one among the Gods, while lack of it will lead to deepest darkness. Kural 122 Guard your self-control as a precious treasure, for there …