These daily couplets are drawn from Saint Tiruvalluvar’s Tirukural, an ethical masterpiece written over 2,200 years ago in South India. This American English translation, known as Weaver’s Wisdom.
Kategoria: Tirukural.
Kural 181 Silent about virtue and swift to act wrongly, one who does not slander others may still be called good. Kural 182 More vile than violating virtue and …
Everyone is disgusted by a man who offends one and all with meaningless chatter. Kural 192 Uttering useless words to crowds is worse than committing unkindnesses toward companions. Kural …
Kural 201 Wicked men do not fear, but worthy men dread, the arrogance of sinful deeds. Kural 202 From evil springs forth more evil. Hence evil is to be …
Kural 211 The benevolent expect no return for their dutiful giving. How can the world ever repay the rain cloud? Kural 212 It is to meet the needs of …
Kural 221 Giving to the poor is true charity. All other giving expects some return. Kural 222 Though some may declare it a good path, garnering gifts is bad. …
Kural 231 Give to the poor and become praiseworthy. Life offers no greater reward than this. Kural 232 Those who expound will always praise people who bestow alms on …
Section III: The Way of The Renunciate Chapter 25: Possession of Compassion Kural 241 Among the wealthy, compassionate men claim the richest wealth, for material wealth is possessed even …
Kural 251 How can he practice true compassion who eats the flesh of an animal to fatten his own flesh? Kural 252 Riches cannot be found in the hands …
Kural 261 It is the nature of asceticism to patiently endure hardship and to not harm living creatures. Kural 262 Austerity belongs to the naturally austere. Others may attempt …
Kural 271 A deceiver’s own five elements remain undeceived by his double-dealing mind and silently mock him. Kural 272 Of what avail is an outer appearance of saintliness if …